Prototyping Novel Automotive UIs with the ROADSAFE Toolkit
by Baldauf, Matthias, Schabus, Dietmar, Fröhlich, Peter, Kieslinger, Michael, Jandrisits, Marko and Paier, Alexander
Prototyping Novel Automotive UIs with the ROADSAFE Toolkit (Baldauf, Matthias, Schabus, Dietmar, Fröhlich, Peter, Kieslinger, Michael, Jandrisits, Marko and Paier, Alexander), In ITS World Congress, 2012.
Bibtex Entry:
@InProceedings{Baldauf2012, Title = {Prototyping {N}ovel {A}utomotive {UI}s with the {ROADSAFE} {T}oolkit}, Author = {Baldauf, Matthias and Schabus, Dietmar and Fröhlich, Peter and Kieslinger, Michael and Jandrisits, Marko and Paier, Alexander}, Booktitle = {ITS World Congress}, Year = {2012}, Address = {Vienna, Austria}, Month = oct, Pages = {1-8}, File = {/download/baldauf_ITSWorldCongress_2012}, Owner = {schabus}, Timestamp = {2014.09.16} }