
dietmar_schabus_yellow_300x300I’m Dietmar Schabus.

Since May 2023 I work as an applied scientist on voice engineering topics at Veritone.

Until March 2023, I worked as a Data Scientist at Wiener Stadtwerke, Austria’s largest communal infrastructure provider, which is owned by the city of Vienna. Furthermore, I taught machine learning courses at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien (FH Technikum Wien).

Until July 2018, I worked as a researcher at the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI) in the Language and Interaction Technologies Group led by Brigitte Krenn.

Until July 2015, I worked at the FTW Telecommunications Research Center Vienna in the Cognitive User Interfaces Group led by Michael Pucher.

I have a computer science background from TU Wien and a PhD in electrical engineering from TU Graz (see also Master’s Thesis and PhD Thesis).

My research interest include data analysis, machine learning and artificial intelligence, often in the context of language and speech. Currently, I focus on natural language processing for improving the user experience in modern text-based communication systems. In the past, I was working on modeling speech signals and speech motion for audio-visual speech synthesis. For more details take a look at my List of Publications and my Google Scholar Profile.

I’ve been collaborating with the IEEE on ethical certification of artificial intelligence applications, leading to the first completed certification in the world within IEEE’s new CertifAIed framework. Read more about it in my blog post at IEEE SA beyond standards.